Friday, April 27, 2012

Listening So Well

For five days I did not
wear a watch
use the phone
check my email
(OK, maybe once)
watch tv shows

For five days I spent time
with my friends
listening so well,
to their rhythms:
both the familiar
and the new.

Thank you, Kate, Amy and Laura,
for five days.


Amykgodwin said... [Reply to comment]

I love you too! For 5 days, I was a former roommate, sorority sister and a lifelong friend. I wasn't mommy, wife or Physical Therapist. I was Amy. The conversations were picked up where we last left them without having to reiterate the beginning. The joy of understanding what "that look" without words means was enjoyed. A week later, I miss it already and already await the next adventure.

Melissa said... [Reply to comment]

Unplugging to reconnect: sounds glorious! 

Jen said... [Reply to comment]

Here's hoping those precious five days
Stay with you until next time.